Lightning & Lightning Rod Blog
As homes move away from gas and to heat pumps, lightning protection is critical.
I have noticed more and more homes in the Northeast are moving away from fossil fuels. New construction will have heat pumps instead of boilers. And now, Gov. Hochul of New York State has announced [...]
Lightning protection is an important consideration for homes and buildings all year round, but in the winter months, it can become even more critical. With colder temperatures, snow, and ice, lightning protection systems are put [...]
Happy 4th of July 2022!
We at Associated hope you all have a great holiday weekend and enjoy the extra time with your family and friends. It feels like the last couple of years have completely flown by with the [...]
MYTH: Lightning always strikes the tallest point
One of the most common questions we receive is: "Doesn't lightning strike the tallest point? Why can't I just put one single lightning rod up on my chimney assuming the lightning will hit that?" Simply because [...]
Lightning protection cable, coaxial wiring and which looks better
I can't tell you how many houses we have looked at over the years where another trade (most of the time a TV/Cable company) has come in and done a clear rush job. They run [...]
Every Property is Different
We often get called into properties where unusual events occur related to lightning. There are some properties where the lightning is striking somewhere away from the home. Trees are often the unfortunate victims of lightning. [...]